Fact or Fiction: Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup (week 4)

November 16 2023 | Ashleigh Kidd, RD, LDN

Hey team! Back here again this week to separate fact from fiction when it comes to nutrition. Want your burning questions answered? Head to our IG (@f45Training) every Thursday to play Fact or Fiction and submit your nutrition questions to be answered by your Challenge Dietitian!

Alright, let’s play! 

Fact or Fiction: Salads for dinner aren’t enough fuel 

It depends!

If you’re eating the standard the lettuce, tomato, onion & dressing for your entire meal, you’re not getting the nutrients you need. Eating a balanced plate (protein, fat, carbs & fiber) at your meals will provide you nourishment and satisfaction, and you can absolutely do this with a salad!

Let’s build a satisfying salad together:

Fact or Fiction: Carbs are not the villain 


Carbohydrates are often villainized, but in fact they are ESSENTIAL to function optimally. It’s understandable to question the validity of carbs with the misinformation all over the internet (and what a lot of us grew up learning!). BUT, they’re not only our bodies primary and preferred source of energy, but they provide a variety of micronutrients, help to balance blood sugars, aid in performance recovery, and are essential for a balanced plate (learn the benefits here).

When we cut out carbs there are possible risks and side effects like:

There are different kinds of carbs. Some are higher in fiber and keep you fuller longer, and might even have some protein. While others have less fiber and your body will use them faster. Both of these offer different nutrients and can fit into your daily life.

Fact or Fiction: Carbonated water makes you hungry

It’s not that simple!

While carbonated water itself doesn’t increase appetite, unfortunately it’s often used to “curb cravings” by replacing meals/snacks and triggering a sense of fullness from the carbonation. This “fullness” is short lived, which only leads us to being more hungry later in the day because we aren’t fueling our bodies properly. Drinking carbonated water can actually be a great tool to help with overall water/hydration intake, as long as we’re consuming mindfully and not replacing food intake.

Fact or Fiction: Intermittent fasting is best for weight loss

It’s not that simple!

IF may feel good for some, but for the vast majority of people, the risks outweigh the “proposed” benefits. IF is another diet that puts you in an overall calorie deficit, this is why some use fasting methods for weight loss. However, the research behind the other alleged benefits are not backed by legitimate long term studies. What we do know is that the effects of IF can potentially lead to:

– Overeating and food obsession

– Fatigue

– Increased stress

– Increased risk for eating disorder

– Feeling out of control around food

– Weight cycling

Have you ordered your meals for the remainder of Challenge? Check your area here for suppliers here.

For additional nutrition and wellness support, you can always check out F45 Articles for tips on how to improve your nutrition and relationship with food.