Meet Stevie, C23 Global Winner

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1.     Why did you sign up to the F45 Challenge?

I signed up for the F45 Challenge as it sounded like the perfect challenge for me at the point I was at in my fitness journey. I had lost weight very gradually over 2 years but my strength and fitness were remaining stable and needed a ‘shake-up’ and this is exactly what F45 offered. I needed the extra push and the challenge gave me that with both the workouts and the meal plan.

2.     What kept you motivated throughout the 8 weeks?

The increased strength I gained week to week was my number one motivation, walking in hardly lifting 3Kg and by the end lifting up to triple that weight with ease was a great achievement for me. Also the trainer at F45!!! He was absolutely fantastic!!! He highlighted every gradual achievement and really put emphasis on the strength I gained each and every workout and gave me the encouragement and motivation I needed to keep moving forward.

3.     What advice would you give to the next Challenger?

I would say go for it!!!! It was such a great way to keep on track of individual progress in strength and training and the meal plan was great to follow especially to keep you on track and accountable for each and everything you put in your body. It has opened up my range of ‘clean and healthy’ foods with so much more variety to choose than I previously would have.

4.     What was your favourite thing about the F45 Challenge?

The training environment was so great! The workouts being different each and every class kept the variety so broad that I didn’t lose interest and the amazing people that I got to train with made it such a great experience, turning up and training alongside such encouraging people was such a positive aspect of the challenge.

5.     What part about the Challenge did you find most challenging and how did you push through it?

The meal plan was the most challenging as my children did not eat what I was eating so the meal prepping was a big stress having to do separate groceries and prepare seperate meals each and every day became quite exhausting but I stuck to it and it worked!!